Tran Hoai Phuong

Photography indeed is part of my life since I was a little girl. My childhood was following my mom and her colleagues, the journalists, the photographers to their newspaper, their dark room, or even being their young model for the leisure time.


I cherish every moment in my life. And photography is to capture a moment that's gone forever, never been able to come back. I started taking up wildlife photography inspired by a trip to Yellow Stone National Park. And it also really came about by chance meeting with a friend who is wildlife photographer.


An advocate of the wildlife, I am using my camera to present people the great wonder and beauty of prestigious nature, rare and exotic wildlife species, specially birds, and making every effort towards creating environmental awareness, protecting wildlife and the environment.


My photos are my moments, my challenges, my experiences, my efforts, and my passion towards the wildlife sharing with people around the world.

My History

  • 2018 - Keep following my passion of capturing birds photo. There are only a few of the hundreds of photo I made...  
  • 2017 - Becoming a wildlife photograper...Be patient, be prepared to wait, wait for the great moment for good shots