Black-throated Tit - Bạc má đuôi dài

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Black-throated Tit - Bạc má đuôi dài

Length: 10-11 cm
Weight: 4-9 g

Compared to the related Long-tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus), the Black-throated Tit has shorter tail and more contrasted colours. This is a small passerine.  

The adult of nominate race has blue-grey upperparts. The rump is tinged brownish-ochre. The dark flight feathers are broadly fringed grey. The medium-long tail is blackish-brown with grey feathers’ edges. The outermost rectrices are tipped white. 
On the underparts, chin and neck sides are white, whereas throat is black with white band across the lower throat, bordered by narrow cinnamon rufous breast band. Flanks are rufous chestnut. Rest of underparts are white but belly and vent may be pale pinkish-buff in worn plumage. 
On the head, forehead, crown and nape are bright cinnamon. A conspicuous black mask includes lores and broad band extending backwards through the eyes to nape sides. 
The short bill is black. The eyes are yellow-white. Legs and feet are brownish orange.